Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Day 008

Day 008: pooped by fuzzirella
Day 008: pooped a photo by fuzzirella on Flickr.
I haven't worked out in a month. That's pretty drastic since before then, I was working out with a personal trainer once or twice a week. I would keep doing that if it didn't cost so much and I didn't need to put the money elsewhere. I kept meaning to get back into the swing of things on my own but when I put a pair of once-baggy pants on yesterday and they fit perfectly, it was time to get my ass into gear.

They just opened the gym in the building where I work so I went to check it out today. It's pretty nice, though I'm not entirely impressed. The weights were brand new, yet really dirty already, and left my hands black. The grips are really rough, so I'm gonna have to get some gloves (I know, boohoo, right?) The treadmill is computerized and took for-freakin'-ever to get going. At the other gym you can look out onto Puget Sound as you run. Here, I looked out onto Terry Ave. and a Chevy pick-up truck. Other than that, I felt everything was adequate.

Anyway, if you are interested, here's a breakdown of what I did:

Warm-up run for 5 mins: ran .53 miles/9:56 mile pace

Deadlifts x15: set 1 @ 90lbs, set 2 @ 75lbs
Squats x15: set 1 @ 90lbs, set 2 @ 75lbs
Cleans x15: 40 lbs, both sets
Run .25 mile: 2:11/8:35 mile pace, 1:57/7:48 mile pace

10x10x10 (10 sit ups, 10 twists, 10 sit ups): 10 lb weight, both sets
Renegade rows (my favorite for some reason!): 15 lbs, both sets

I think I totally overdid it. I'm gonna hurt tomorrow! :D

Best viewed large and on black!


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